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Boy found dead after accusing Taliban members of sexual abuse

Boy allegedly killed by Taliban after accusing multiple commanders of rape in Farah province interrogation video


9 Oct 2024

On 19 September 2024 a video circulated on a number of accounts on X (formerly Twitter) showing an unnamed teenage boy from Farah province being interrogated by an (unpictured) male individual. In the 2:20-minute video, the boy claims that several Taliban members in Farah province had forced him into sodomy on 15 occasions. 

The first four counts were alleged to have been carried out by a specific Taliban member, however, the name of the perpetrator was not given and it is likely that the video constituted a section of a longer interrogation. The boy then names three “mujhahid” [Taliban members] as having carried out 11 of the rapes, Abdul Hadi, Musa Lawang, and Jamu Junaid. The boy also claimed that the individuals paid him 200-400 Afghani (approximately GBP 2 -5) in each instance, whilst forcing him into sex.

Further details, including when the incidents took place, were not given in the video of the interview, although from the boy’s description, it appears likely that the counts of rape may have occurred over an extended period. Where and when the video was recorded was not stated, however, the tone and content of the male individual’s questioning suggests the boy may have been subject to formal interrogation (for example, during questioning, the male individual asks the boy to repent). 

AW also matched a blanket visible in the room where the boy was interrogated with a blanket in imagery from a post from July 2023 from the crimes investigation department of Farah’s police command. Therefore, AW assesses as likely that the boy may have been detained for questioning at the time the video was recorded.

Figure: (Left) A photo from inside the crimes investigation department of Farah’s police command, shared in a post published in July 2023. (Right) A still image of the teenager (victim) taken from the video interrogation. A similar blanket is identified in both imagery (yellow rectangles).

In addition to the three names identified by the boy, a fourth name may have been redacted from the video. Additional reporting from media outlets also claimed the identity of another perpetrator, on top of those named in the video.

On 22 September 2024, Canada-based Zala News reported that an investigator at the Crimes Investigation Department of Farah’s Police Command had interrogated the boy, and that the boy had also mentioned “Obaidullah, also known as Khadim” as a perpetrator. Zala News claimed that Khadim was a Taliban commander and served as a special guard and driver for the Taliban’s police chief in Balkh.

Zawia News reported on 23 September that a fourth convict in the case was Abdullah Khadim. According to Zawia News, Khadim is a Taliban commander and a special guard for Abdul Raziq Rashid, the Taliban’s police chief in Balkh. AW assesses that both news outlets are likely referring to the same person, who is not named in the excerpt of interrogation shared online. 

While little is known about Abdullah Khadim, AW verified that his senior, Abdul Raziq Rashid, has served as police chief for Balkh province since January 2024. An Instagram post from May 2024 suggests that Abdul Raziq Rashid is a native of Farah province.

Death of the boy following publication of the allegations

On 23 September 2024, Zawia News reported that a Taliban member had killed the teenager in Farah following the interview which had circulated online the previous day. Sources told Zawia News that Abdullah Khadim, who the boy had not mentioned in the published video, had gone to Farah and shot and killed the boy, following allegations of Khadim’s involvement in the rapes.

According to the news agency, Abdullah Khadim has since returned to his duty in Balkh. The report claimed Khadim was a native of Kansk village of the Balabulok district of Farah, and a relative of the police chief for Balkh. It also included a photo of the boy from his interrogation, and a photo of his body with blood stains on his face.

While pro-Taliban users on X refute the reports about the abuse and the killing of the boy, AW has identified that the facial features of the body match those of the boy in the video interrogation. Several X users from Farah also confirmed the death of the boy.

AW did not find any further information regarding the family or relatives of the boy, nor any complaint from them about the boy being abused or killed. This is likely due to social stigma regarding sexual abuse amongst Afghan communities, as well as fear of reprisals from Taliban members and authorities, which may have prevented victim and family members from seeking justice.

It is highly likely that the boy was killed following the interrogation to prevent him from furthering the allegations or providing any additional identifying information, however, the extent of Abdullah Khadim’s involvement in the rapes or killing of the teenage boy could not be verified.

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